Sunday, January 18, 2009

The First Trip: Dublin, Ireland!

Hullo there! Well, you can imagine that our first weekend this side of the pond would bring us many adventures, and it did. We decided to travel en masse to Dublin, Ireland, which I was very excited about having grown up in the decidedly less glamorous Dublin, Georgia. Let me assure you, the real thing is, well, the real thing!

Day One: We arrived late Thursday night after quite a harrowing experience. We missed our connecting train from Reading, England to London Gatwick airport by a mere few minutes. After begging for help from unruly station attendants and Dan's interesting bargaining skills with local cab drivers (apparently he got the price estimate for the cab knocked down 100 pounds simply by describing some of the female passengers... very shady indeed), we decided to try our luck with the next train to the airport. If on time, we would have literally 10 minutes to make it from the train station to the airport to check in for our flight. After a wild running spree, 10 slightly hysterical law students made it to the gate just in time to board. Once in Dublin, we checked into our hostel and made our way to the first nice bar we saw for a night cap after a long day. We happened upon the Mezz, a rock club full of drunk Irish people singing Nirvana songs. It was a nice way to end a long day.

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